
Old School Tactical Vol IV Italian Theater 1943-45

Created by Mark H. Walker

Fast, fun, tactical strategy gaming set in World War II

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Sample Didn't Come Monday
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 05:02:11 AM

Well, well. You gotta love DHL. They attempted to deliver the Vol IV production sample after the office complex's office hours, or they tried to come in the only locked door in the facility (2 of 3 are unlocked), so I had to resked the delivery for today. Oh, brother.

Production Sample Monday
7 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 12:47:17 PM

Hi Folks,

Looks like the production copy is inbound Monday. If it arrives, I'll post pictures on Tuesday. If everything is good, we'll be a little ahead of schedule.

BTW, The eagerly-awaited Reprint of Hermann Luttmann's popular A Most Fearful Sacrifice 2nd EDITION is now live on Kickstarter. Click here to see.

What's different in the 2nd Edition? Well, there are two new scenarios, THE LONG ROAD and SUMMER STORM. There are numerous small changes to the rule and scenario books, including anything worthwhile brought up in forums/etc.. Additionally, the game contains larger PACs. Specifically the Combat Results Table, Terrain Effects Chart, Close Fight/Combat Event, and Sequence of Play have been enlarged and placed on a 11" x 17" cards.

Where are we shipping?
Most everywhere. The United States, Canada, the EU, Great Britain, Australia/New Zealand, and also Asia. Customers will pay VAT and import taxes where applicable.

A Most Fearful Sacrifice is an epic two-player wargame with over 15 square feet of playing area (you don't to use it all, if you don't want to) and 526 playing pieces depicting the fighting that occurred during all three days of this decisive clash. The game utilizes a new ACW operating system called the Black Swan system, which is closely related to the popular Blind Swords game system first introduced in the game The Devil’s To Pay! by Tiny Battle Publishing. This version of the system is specifically designed to handle larger-scale battles yet keep rules overhead low. Players can simulate huge encounters in a reasonable amount of playing time. This is accomplished in one way through the use of card draws rather than chit pulls. Also, players will trigger activations by Corps instead of by lower-level formations but they still have tactical decision-making choices by needing to determine which Divisions get activation priority. Though at a grander scale, this system maintains a tactical feel about it and still emphasizes the three “FOW’s” of war … the Fortunes of War, the Friction of War and the Fog of War. Players will be challenged to deal with a constantly developing battle situation, never quite sure of what the Gods of War will throw at them, and thus they must always be prepared to deal with historically realistic “black swan” events.  

Current Production Schedule
8 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 09:08:25 AM

Okay guys, here it is. Everything that I know right now and what I can reasonable project. This stuff not only can, but probably will, change. Let's hope not much.

March 20 Production Complete.

March 31 Production sample approved or corrections need to be made.

April 10 Product on ship.

April 22 Pledge Manager closes.

5/20-5/30 Product in Miami (tentative port).

June 3rd Shipping to United States and Canada.

July shipping to the rest of the world.

Hope that helps. Thanks for your patience.



Pledge Manager
8 months ago – Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 07:34:27 AM

Hello People,

The OST Vol IV pledge manager is now online. You should have all been sent a link. If not, check your SPAM (for real real...just don't say "Oh, it's not there."), if you still don't have it, email us at staffATflyingpiggamesDOTcom.

The pledge manager not only lets you pay your shipping, but also has some pretty good offers on plenty of our other products.

Thanks for patience. 

Play games; they matter.


Pledge Manager up next week
8 months ago – Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 07:09:57 AM

Hi Guys,

Brief update. Barring unforeseen complications with BackerKit, the pledge manager should be up next week. Sorry for the delay, but rest assured the timing of the pledge manager release doesn't have anything to do with the production schedule.

As we stated before, the printer files are in and the game is in production.

BTW, if you are interested, we are also reprinting our popular Armageddon War. If you are interested, you can pre-order the game here.

