
Old School Tactical Vol IV Italian Theater 1943-45

Created by Mark H. Walker

Fast, fun, tactical strategy gaming set in World War II

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What's next?
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 08:09:28 AM

Thanks, guys. 60K! That's really special AND our last stretch goal. And MORE than we expected to raise.

But fret not, Shayne and I have been thinking about something cool to put up as the ultimate, yet attainable, stretch goal. Something with parachutes, something with tanks, something with new counters, something with new scenarios, and maybe, just maybe, something with much more.

Stay tuned. I'm babysitting my grandson this weekend so time is at a premium. We'll get this worked out.



The last stretch goal... or is it?
about 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 08:29:45 AM

Hi Folks,

Once again, thanks for your support with this Kickstarter. I can't believe that we funded in 32 minutes! That was incredible.

Now we are only $500-some dollars from funding our final stretch goal, Give me the Yanks. And we still have two weeks left in the camapign. Please give me the (reasonable) suggestions that you would like to see for future stretch goals. We want to set up and unlock more of them just like you do.

Leave them below and/or write them in the campaign comments. I look forward to reading them.

And don't forget to share. That's the best way to smash new stretch goals... get people to pledge. You can help by putting this link on your social media:



Wow! This is fantastic.
about 1 year ago – Fri, Oct 06, 2023 at 05:17:03 AM

Howdy Folks,

We are only 20 hours into the campaign and we're nearly 300% funded and have unlocked the vast majority of stretch goals. Next stretch goal is the American scenarios.

Thank you so much.

It's about this time in every campaign, people start talking about stretch goals, how to reach them, and what we can add. If you've pledged for the campaign, you have already done a lot, and I appreciate you. There is, however, more that you can do. Stuff that I can't do. I can stand on a mountain and sing the praises of OST, but people will say that is "Just Mark being Mark." LOL

What I really need is for you, the OST player, to promote the campaign. How? It's simple. Share this link: 


on whatever social media platform you frequent. Spread the word. I'd appreciate it, Lt Nesbit would appreciate it, the Commandos would appreciate it.


Mark Walker

Thanks Everyone!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 05, 2023 at 09:35:39 AM

Hey Guys and Gals,

We funded in 32 minutes! That's downright humbling. I appreciate your support. Now on to the stretch goals. Y'all can help with that too. Please share the project's address on social media.

Thanks again,
